Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just know you’re not alone

This is the first of a few posts I am gonna write as I am riding in the car on the way to MI. Since I have the time, mind as well write some thoughts down! So some of the times might be off a little in a few coming posts :) 

My biggest struggle with moving is leaving my friends. This was highly confirmed with my birthday party last night.

There are few people lucky enough to have a group of friends like mine. We have grown close over the last few years. Sharing our struggles, watching each other grow, graduating high school, starting college, and becoming adults.

Through it all though we have not lost our sense of childhood. Just last night we had an insane battle. People being thrown in the pool, locking and changing phones, the boys taking over the house and not letting us in, the girls then breaking in and over taking them, drinks being poured on heads. Oh and who can forget the endless discussions and debates about random subjects that really in the end have no point.

I will miss them more than anything.

To know I won’t be able to just call them up and hang out makes me really upset. I won’t get to do crazy things with them (errr be the voice of reason).  I won’t get to laugh at all the awkward comments and jokes. I won’t get to hug them (this might be the worst).

Making random snowmen in huge snowstorms. Seeing your friends lick said snowman... and getting a picture. 

  Fake band pictures after a long night at work...


   Car pranks....

Giant Gummie Bears named Walter Hugo


They are my people.

She’s my person. If I murdered someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. She’s my person” – Meredith Grey

One of my favorite quotes from Grey’s, for sure. It feels terribly true about my friends too. They would be the first I would call if I were in trouble.

I know life is all about growing up and making new friends. I hope I can keep my old ones forever though. They are those type of friends.

“Tell me you’ll never forget me, because if I thought you would; I would never leave” – winnie the pooh

Old picture but this was a really good day and one of the only pics of most of us :) 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't Forget Me

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

One of the things that has been on my mind a lot lately is what would everyone say about me if I died tomorrow? Who would I die mad at, who would I die with, who is the last person I would see?

This especially has hit me hard after hearing of the loss of an amazing agility woman. Judy Shinogle and her GSP's were traveling in baltimore at 6:30am sunday morning when a vehicle crossed the median and killed Judy and one of her dogs Bruni instantly.

Judy was one of those people who always made you feel comfortable and at home. She never lost her smile or encouragement no matter how her day was going. I had the honor to crate next to her and get to know her on a few occasions.  I can honestly say because of people like Judy I love the agility game. She was always there helping keep me calm and helping me out when we had similar conflicts at a few shows.

Its a shock when you expect to see someone again and thank them for that. Only to find out you never can do that.

Life can be over in a split second. So how are you living your life? Will people remember the last time they saw you with a smile or a frown?

I am trying to change my out look on things. Take more risks, smile more, find the good in things, change peoples lives, help others, and simply love more deeply.

I don't want to be thought of as a boring or same old person. I want to make a difference. I don't want to wait anymore either. Because I have seen just how quickly life can change.

Thank you Judy for all you did for me and for the everyone else. You will never ever be forgotten.

Judy and Bruni after a MACh in 2011. (photo credit to Kaitlyn Dreese)

               Live your life as if ends in a minute. No time is for sure.

     "You know all those things you wanted to do? You should go do them."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Then Life Came Marching In

"When the world says give up. Hope Whispers.... Try it one more time."

I have tried this whole "blogging" thing so many times. I am determined to do this! I think my problem was I tried to make "dog blogs" and while I love my dogs and will bog about them a lot (so don't read this if you don't want to hear about them ;))... this is also just for me to write all my thoughts down in one place!


Have you ever felt like one day it just jumped on your back and won't let go till you decide what you are gonna do with it? Well, its on my back right now.

My little sister is graduating high school thursday. Not only that but I turn the big 20 on friday. When did I grow up?? When did I come to the point that my teen years are gonna be behind me?? When me and both my sisters will be officially out of our school years (minus college that is...)?

This life thing comes with lots of decisions.

One that I have been working on is what I am doing with my life. My conclusion has pretty much come to this.

"If you want to know where your heart is. Look to where your mind goes when it wanders"

What wise words.

And the truth is. I wasn't letting myself go to that place for a long time. I really couldn't tell you why. Probably self doubt, wanting to hang on to things, and worry.

But here I am. I know you are all wondering... Well, where the heck did it go??


Yes, I see my parents and sister everyday. Let me explain.

I grew up in a "odd" situation. I got to see most of my cousins almost every day. We had family get togethers at least once a week. Not only them but I grew up at camp. It was like a family too. Big groups getting together and just having fun. I think this is why I love dog showing so much because it reminds me of this.

My heart has been longing for home. Home with my family, the crazy get togethers, the bickering, the problems, the laughter, the joy.

And so, with that. I am planning a big move. I am scared out of my mind. I mean to go live on my OWN scares me to death and at the same time is strangely invigorating.

I am also thinking about taking classes to do Animal Assisted Therapy. I have been thinking for a long time about what I want to do as a "career". I feel like this will combine everything I love and still leave me time to do things like train, trial, and do other things. I plan after taking the classes to work on some type of program with children. Not sure what exactly yet, I just know thats what I am called to be doing!

So, pending a job and a place to live. Me and the BC's will be packing up and heading to MI come august.

I am scared to leave my friends, scared to leave my agility family, and most of all... scared just to do it.

"Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its troubles. It just empties today of its strength"
                                                        - Corrie Ten Boom

And so with that.... This blog and the rest of my life will start. I am sure there will be many more posts to come. Thoughts have been forever swirling through my head lately.